Introducing Dustin Tseng, Head of US Sales at Exein

Introducing Dustin Tseng, Head of US Sales at Exein

Let me start by saying I have worked in many different industries and countries. But taking a step back, my educational foundation was in Taiwan, where I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Business Administration, specializing in industrial economics and global marketing. Although my academic days seem far behind, they were crucial in shaping my career in business development and sales.

After university, as mandatory in Taiwan, I completed my military service as a naval logistics officer. These years were fascinating and taught me discipline, problem-solving, and how to perform under pressure.

Following military service, I started my first job, and it was in cement sales within the Taiwanese market. This experience laid the groundwork for essential business administration skills, such as channel management, inventory management, and payment collection. Following this, I co-founded an online advertisement business in 2007, coinciding with the rise of Facebook. This venture allowed me to capitalize on the booming social media market in Taiwan, and although I eventually exited, it was a significant learning phase.

Subsequently, I spent 14 to 15 years in the embedded computer manufacturing industry (and still counting!). Starting in sales within Taiwan and China, I eventually managed all the North Asia region, including Japan and South Korea. As a regional manager, I learned the importance of understanding diverse markets and effective communication. Mastering cultural nuances and building long-term relationships were pivotal to success.

My role evolved into global business development, managing projects and business strategies across multiple countries such as Asia, Europe, and eventually North America, where I now live and work. This required close collaboration with product managers and development engineers, bridging the gap between internal teams and customers.

All these experiences led me to Exein, where I am excited to leverage my background in embedded systems and sales to contribute to our mission. Exein's culture of innovation and collaboration aligns perfectly with my professional aspirations. I am passionate about embedded cybersecurity and value the opportunity to work with a talented global team.

At Exein, my role as the Head of US Sales involves more than just finding opportunities; it is about genuinely listening to and understanding our customers' and partners' specific cybersecurity needs. Building strong, long-term relationships is essential. Every day, I strive to create meaningful conversations, enabling me to better serve their needs.

Regarding my “afterwork hours,” I have many hobbies that include reading, traveling, and as a resident of Southern California, obviously baseball. Baseball, in particular, resonates with me as it blends personal performance, teamwork, and strategy. It is a game of both mind and body, which I find relaxing and enjoyable.

In summary, my career has been marked by continuous learning and adaptation, guided by exceptional mentors and experiences. At Exein, I am excited to apply this knowledge to navigate the dynamic cybersecurity landscape with our outstanding team and valued customers. Here's to many more years of growth and innovation together!

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