Introducing Simone Favarin Design Lead at Exein

Blending Art and Technology
Creativity has been an integral part of my life for as long as I can remember.
It all started on the dance floor. Certainly not a common thing compared to other kids. I remember going back to my father a week after seeing Michael Jackson's “Thriller” knowing the whole choreography by heart. And that was where he probably reflected on the fact that I would never become a football player. :) Cutting short, because of a bad fall I had to give up my dream of being a professional dancer.
I enrolled in Typography and Industrial Graphics. In the meantime, the Internet arrived and shortly after that I bought my first Apple iMac with my first Internet connection.
If you have a curious mind, the Internet is pretty amazing.
My online nickname was Phate (machine) from the book “The Blue Nowhere” by Jeffery Deaver which precisely brought the world of hackers and cybersecurity to the forefront.
Beyond my online ramblings, I got into Photoshop, version 3.2 and from there I went through the whole evolution of softwares: Corel Draw, Illustrator, Quarkxpress, Freehand, then Poser and Brice which were the first 3D programs for landscapes and human poses.

Throughout my whole journey in design, I have taken on different roles, working both solo and in team. Eventually, I chose to share my knowledge and love for design by becoming a teacher. My passion has garnered recognition in the form of numerous international awards and the opportunity to speak at many conferences.
And it was during the VIEW conference in Europe that I met Gianni Cuozzo and the spark of my journey at Exein was ignited.
So, what is it like to be a design lead and UX designer at Exein? I’d say I feel the privilege of shaping the first impression and user experiences with our designs. We are the pioneers in imagining how the user interface of our technology should look and function.

At Exein, we are creating and shaping our technology from the ground up. We do technology. It's not about marketing someone else's technology, like other companies do, by subcontracting external know-how. We do create technology and therefore innovation. This is why I think we are making history, and I’m proud to be part of this ambitious project.
Obviously this might bring some problems to Exein, challenges that other companies do not have. Creating technology requires a know-how of a certain kind and above all it takes courage. And probably some healthy foolishness as well.
To sum up, what I like most about Exein is the technological challenge and the passion we all put into what we do.
I firmly believe that it is not possible to build something solid, lasting, of true value, without holding to excellence.
And being committed to excellence is part of who we are. It’s a foundational value upon which everything else rests.